Fay Martin, PhD, Author
I write to make sense of life.
About Fay
Fay Martin has written about people all her life. Mostly about people in difficult circumstances, because she spent decades as a social worker toiling in the underbelly of our world. She brings the energy of a git- ‘er-done organizer and activist. And a sprightly, slightly irreverent and oddly humorous attitude to an in-depth examination of what makes people do what they do in the circumstances in which they find themselves.
Martin’s writing spans her life as a farm kid in the West, community organizing in outport Newfoundland in the 1960s, working with those organizing other marginalized groups in the early 1970s, professional social work in various settings through to the late 1980s, a mid-life PhD on transitions to adulthood from child welfare, and a post-retirement life impacting homelessness, particularly the rural and remote variation.
Martin’s MFA project (University of King’s College spring 2023) is provisionally entitled What Doesn’t Break You: a memoir about pre-death grieving, spousal caregiving, and surviving dementia. She lives with two slightly bent cats in Ontario’s cottage country.
You can email Fay at fay@faymartin.ca